Three mascaras – how different are they actually?

Makeup / Wednesday, August 21st, 2019

Are you that kind of person who manages to only have one opened mascara (excluding ones in different colours) at a time? Me neither. I always misplace the one I currently use and proceed to open a backup of it. Of course, the misplaced mascara reappears shortly after.
Since I happen to be in a position now in which I have three opened mascaras from different brands and with vastly different price tags, I felt compelled to post a mascara comparison – basically three reviews in one. Hopefully I can help someone save some money and thereby justify my excess…

Let’s check out the candidates (desktop view recommended):

Brush or rubber wand?

As you could read for yourself, the mascaras I happen to compare are very different in which one has additional fibers in its formula, two have brush wands and one has a rubber wand – the latter one is my go-to mascara by Alterra which I repurchase since years (crossing my fingers I can refrain from the Samantha* syndrome). Now hear me out, before you immediately say “but I prefer brush wands”. Unless it’s due to severe discomfort during the application, I can assure you that you can get similar if not identical effects with either of those wands. So stay open-minded for trying different ones! It’s always a combo of wand and formula, and different combos can help achieve the same look. Generally speaking, a rubber wand can give you more separation if the formula isn’t super thick, while a brush wand can give you more clumpy lashes unless the formula is super thin.

* referring to Samantha Ravndahl’s (youtuber and influencer) self-proclaimed curse of having all of her favourite makeup products be discontinued when trying to repurchase or recommend them.

Now, let’s look at them up close! Hit those dots or arrows to navigate.

Am I weird or do these close-ups look super cool and fascinating? They already tell a lot about the consistency of the formula and the “heart-shaped” fibers in the Milk Makeup mascara are cleary visible. When a mascara wand looks super clumpy, you can generally expect a similar look on your own lashes – and the other way around. I just pulled these out of the tubes without removing excess product, which is something you could obviously do to combat that.

Size comparison

Because I think that this could be a factor for you when choosing a mascara, I took some photos to compare the sizes. With small eyes, the Milk Makeup mascara is quite difficult to apply, and the Pacifica mascara has long bristles, too. I placed the mascaras next to a measuring tape (centimeters). Check it out:

What one coat looks like

FINALLY, let’s get to how these mascaras actually look on the lashes – on my own lashes to be precise. Our lashes are all different, so I think it’s important to also look at my lashes without any product on them so that you can judge the results better! Well, I think my lashes are quite average. Not very long, rather straight but not turned downwards, pretty full. You can be the judge on that.
I applied a single coat each time and tried to make my lashes look as nice as possible without redipping into the tube.

Have a look from the front and from the side:

Can you guess which mascara I used on each photo? Let’s see if you were right (and tell me in the comments!):


Milk Makeup KUSH Mascara
This mascara was so so hyped up and to me is only hype-worthy if you intend to use it for quick photo sessions. Why? Because it smudges/transfers so so badly. No matter if I use a little or a lot of setting powder underneath my eyes.
x I guess that is due to the fact that the mascara seems to never dry down properly and stays sticky. So don’t touch your lashes or you will risk that they will clump together. Therefore, I also don’t think it layers nicely.
x I also do not like the fibers. As you hopefully can see in the previous photos and the photo below, the tips of my lashes can look super thick or even like split-ends. They don’t elongate the lashes in a way that ensures they still taper in nicely towards the tip. To be fair, I don’t know if that would be even possible. I feel like I always have to remove some fibers from the tips of my lashes with my fingers to make it not look ridiculous. As a result, I don’t notice much elongation at all.
x Lastly, it’s difficult to remove and I find myself having to rub/wash way too much if I don’t give up trying to remove every bit of residue.
x However, I like the instant volume it gives and as you can see on the photos, it seems to curl my lashes quite nicely. The way I could make this mascara work is by using it on my top lashes only. I especially love using my Alterra mascara on top – so pretty!
x But is the mascara worth the money to me for only using using it on the top lashes and having to manually fix some lash tips each time? No.

Closeup of my lashes wearing the Milk Makeup Mascara.

Alterra XXL Curl Mascara
I have to admit that this is still my favourite mascara. It’s a great allrounder, does NOT smudge on me and can be built up so easily. Either I apply only one coat, or I don’t let the mascara dry down completely in between coats.
x It dries down completely.
x It’s suuuper affordable and is certified natural which for example means it does not contain any micro plastic (But do the other two contain micro plastic? Maybe neither).
x The removal is rather easy and no heavy oils are required.
x A negative thing about this one for non-Germans is that it’s only available in German drugstore chain Rossmann (but there might be stores in other European countries, I don’t know!).
x By looking at the ingredients, I saw essential oils listed as they naturally occur in ingredients they used in the formula. That surprised me, because I think I have rather sensitive eyes and never had any issues or noticeable irritation, not even during or after the removal process, but essential oils are generally known to be irritants.

Pacifica Stellar Gaze Mascara
When I asked my partner for his opinion on which mascara looked best, he pointed at this one. And I have to agree: It makes my lashes look just super pretty – just look at the photo below. The rather thin formula glides over the hairs and makes them look really smooth.
x I think this one is great at making my lashes look longer. Look at my lower lashes in the photo collage for reference!
x It takes a while to dry down and I would not recommend layering this one before it dried – or you’ll end up with what looks like four thick lashes.
x Sadly, it transfers underneath my eyes, but definitely not as badly as the Milk Makeup mascara.
x If you’re looking for lots of volume and texture, this is not the one for you unless you combine it with a different mascara which I would recommend anyway (for the lower lashes).

Closeup of my lashes wearing the Pacifica Mascara.

Final thoughts

So, what do you think? I hope I could inspire you to look at more drugstore mascaras and to give rubber wands another try (assuming I’m the only one in team “rubber wand” haha). I think I would never pay the amount of money Milk Makeup charges for their KUSH Mascara myself, but I’m still super happy I could try it and use it as a confirmation, that more expensive doesn’t equal higher quality or same quality (regarding the effect) than affordable drugstore options.

Also, remember to take influencer recommendations with a grain of salt when it comes to judging the durability/wear, because some might just wear the makeup products for a short amount of time to take photos or film a video.

Is anything missing? Any information you still need? Let me know in the comments and I can update this blog post if you wish. Let me know if you tried any of these mascaras yourself and feel free to share your experiences. It could be helpful for others because your experiences could be very different from mine.

4 Replies to “Three mascaras – how different are they actually?”

  1. I’m so happy you did this review because for the longest time I have felt like I was missing out on the Kush Mascara.

    I think I’m going to look into rubber wands now and give it a try. Mascara is one of those items I always struggle with because my lashes are very straight and hard to curl

    1. You’re welcome! <3 It's true, this mascara has been sooo hyped up. Their marketing strategy clearly was successful. The brand just launched in Germany and I can't wait to swatch and look at all the products in person soon to compare my impressions with what I heard so far from youtubers – it's so interesting to find out whether my taste/expectations in a product meet up with theirs 😀
      Oh I understand that this must be tiring for you... I think rubber wands are more firm, so to me it would make sense if they are better at curling and pushing the lashes upwards. And for you it probably is key that the formula dries down completely and isn't super heavy so the lashes keep their shape. Ugh! I heard someone with downwards-angled lashes say they exclusively use and try waterproof mascaras because apparently they hold the curl better. It's just a bit harder to find that in a vegan mascara.

  2. Great comparison. I tried the Alterra mascara based on your recommendation and when I first openend it I immediately noticed the intense fragrance, unfortunately it irritates my eyes. But fragrance aside, it was just a mediocre mascara on my lashes. I don’t like super wet formulas in general.
    I always keep my favorite mascara wand (Essence Super Curl) and just use that if I don’t get on with a mascara wand, provided that it fits in the tube. Generally I like a rubber wand with a dry formula, because I want thicker lashes, but also seperation. My lashes are naturally long and curled. The vegan mascaras I really liked so far are the Essence Super Curl and Catrice The Little Black One. The only downside is that they dry out pretty quickly, because of their dry formula.

    1. Thank you for the feedback and tips! Yes it absolutely depends on our own lashes, on what we have to work with – which makes it disappointing, noticing how little attention most people put on that when giving a review. Especially on social media!

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